ראיונות עם חוקרים ומורים

יום שני, 28 באוקטובר 2013

The Names on the Hebrew Bullae from the Time of Jeremiah

Mitka Ratzaby Golub, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Over a period of several months beginning October 1975, a large group of bullae reached the antiquities market. These bullae were described by Nahman Avigad in 1986 as a single assemblage from the time of Jeremiah, .e., the last quarter of the seventh century and the early sixth century B.C.E. bullae belonged to about 238 individuals with 132 different names. In a separate study I conducted in 2010 on personal names in Israel during the First Temple period, Judean names on artifacts were found to have a specific distribution of theophoric elements that distinguishes them as a group from other regions. The present study shows that the names on the unprovenanced hoard of bullae from the time of Jeremiah have a strikingly similar distribution of theophoric elements. similarity is even stronger when the focus is narrowed to the same type of artifact, i.e., when names on bullae from Jerusalem are compared to the names on the hoard of bullae. This similarity not only supports the Judean origin of the hoard but also suggests that it originated in Jerusalem. addition, this similarity supports the authenticity of the unprovenanced hoard of bullae as a group.

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