ראיונות עם חוקרים ומורים

יום ראשון, 5 בינואר 2014

Omrides, Ahabites and Jehuites: Blood Kinship and Bloodshed

Dr. Amitai Baruchi-Unna

The Bialik Institute
This article aims at reinforcing the simple reading of the extra-biblical Assyrian source, according to which Jehu was an offspring of Omri. This is achieved by sharpening the arguments already raised for it as well as readding some new observations. First I discuss the Biblical and Moabite accounts of the end of the 'House of Ahab', and consider the significance of the Assyrian designations "Jehu son of Omri" in the inscriptions of Shalmaneser III and those of the Biblical designation 'Jehu son of Jehoshaphat son of Nimshi'.
Then I suggest seeing Jehu's career, especially his being a general in the Israelite army under Jehoram son of Ahab, as evidence for familial relationships between them. Finally, I highlight that similar to earlier Israelite usurpers, Jehu abandoned Jezreel the royal seat of his predecessor. However, unlike his predecessors, he did not found a new one, but reestablished Samaria – the former capital, built by Omri – as his 'new' royal seat, suggesting that this move was a testimony to the close linkage between Jehu and Omri.

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