ראיונות עם חוקרים ומורים

יום ראשון, 5 בינואר 2014

The Usage of R. Meyuhas son of R. Eliyahu of the Forms of דרך המקרא The Usage of the Bible

The Bialik Institute
 Prof. Gershon  Brin

The Byzantine exegetes used various formulas in their exegetical writings. These formulas are sometimes a continuation of former works, among other those of the Rabbis.
The essay deals with the formula .דרך המקרא  
This formula deals with various issues, such as stylistic observations, the nature of Biblical narratives, and other subjects.
Since the usage of this formula in R. Meyuhas writings is very rich - the number of which are as half of all the other exegetes combined, one can see this usage as characteristic to R. Meyuhas writings.

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