ראיונות עם חוקרים ומורים

יום שלישי, 27 בינואר 2015

Beit Mikra vol.59 (2014), no. 2: Contents

The Bialik Institute - Publications

Shemer Arieli : "Pri etz hadar" – Fruit of the "Tree of Life"  /  5

Gabriel Barzilai : 'Seventy Years' from Jeremiah to Daniel: Semantics,
                             Interpretation and Apocalypticism  /  41  

Gershon Brin :  Between R. Isaiah di Trani and the Byzantine Ancient  Exegetes  /  60                            

Esther Gamliel Barak : Exegesis' Methods of the Bible in the Lexicon of the
                                      Karaite David Ben Avraham AlfāsÊ, "Kitāb Jāmi‛ al-Alfāż"  /  76       

Micha roi : The Traditio-Historical Hypothesis Demonstrated in Joshua 24  /  129                                            

Book Review                       

Leeor Gottlieb : Uriel Simon, The Ear Discerns Words: Studies in Ibn Ezra's Exegetical
                           Methodology, The Institute for Jewish Bible Interpretation – Sources 
                            And Studies, Bar-Ilan University Press, Ramat Gan 2013, 562 pages  /  153

Hava Shalom-Gai : The Division of the Kingdom Narrative
                                Amos Frisch, Torn Asunder: The Division of the Kingdom Narrative in
                                 The Book of Kings, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Press, Beer Sheva 2013,                                 310 pages  /  160

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