ראיונות עם חוקרים ומורים

יום שבת, 8 באוגוסט 2015

Space and its Meaning in the Narrative of Naboth's Vineyard: An Absrract

 Dr. Talia Sutskover, Tel Aviv University
Beit Mikra - Volume 60 (2015), No. 1, The Bialik Institute

The Bialik Institute

This article aims to show the importance of space markers in the narrative of Naboth's Vineyard (1 Kgs 21) and connected texts (1 Kgs 22; 2 Kgs 9). Instead of interpreting some of the space markers, such as the clause  אשר ביזרעאל("Which was in Jezreel" [1 Kgs 21:1]) ,as redundant or as emendations of a later editor, they are rather considered here as underlining a significant and basic meaning in the narrative. According to the interpretation suggested here Naboth is perceived as a wealthy military administrator who settled in Jezreel, but who also possessed a vineyard in Samaria. Hence, the reliability of his claim regarding the vineyard being an inheritance from his ancestorsis questioned. In addition, the connected text of Ahab's death (1 Kgs 22) is interpreted in a new light, which resolves the contradictions raised by its comparison with Elijah's prophecy. All in all, the offered interpretation explains the Narrative of the Vineyard as a coherent unit standing in accordance with its textual extensions, without the need to explain some of the alleged contradictions as the work of a late glossator. 

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