ראיונות עם חוקרים ומורים

יום רביעי, 13 ביולי 2016

Beit Mikra, Volume 61 (2016), No. 1: Contents

The Bialik Institute

Jonathan Ben-Dov        Binary Oppositions in Biblical Cosmological 
                                      Poetry: Amos, Psalms, Job  / 5

Bat-Sheva Brosh           The Transformed Character of the King  / 31 

Galya Semo                    Between Two Cities: The Problem of the Cities
                                        in Isaiah 24 – 27  / 74

Ravit Ferber-Rotberg
& Eyal Regev                Names and Self-Designations in Qumran: The 
                                       Theology of Self-Identity  / 99

Book Review

Mayer Gruber             A Review article of Shmuel Vargon, In the Bible
                                    Lands: Studies in Biblical Prophecy, History and
                                     Prophetical Historiography, Bar-Ilan University 
                                     Press, Ramat-Gan 2015, 465 pages  / 126

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