ראיונות עם חוקרים ומורים

יום חמישי, 14 ביולי 2016

Binary Oppositions in Biblical Cosmological Poetry: Amos, Psalms, Job, by Jonathan Ben-Dov

הוצאת מוסד ביאליק

The article offers a dynamic reading of word pairs and parallelism in selected poems throughout the Hebrew Bible. Psalmists are concerned with world order and with the dangers facing that order. This tension is regularly represented by pairs of opposites or complementary natural entities. The poets construct their parallel cola and strophes with an eye towards these binary opposites, using deliberate ambiguous or contrastive structure in order to draw the reader’s attention to the constant interchange of opposites. In biblical poems, this interchange may lead to equilibrium while it may equally lead to chaos and loss of control. The border between these situations is fragile. This notion is demonstrated with regard to the drama of world order in Psalm 85. A close reading of the Amos Doxologies follows. The article concludes with a discussion of the hymns on nature in Job chapters 5, 10, and especially chapter 26.

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