ראיונות עם חוקרים ומורים

יום שישי, 11 בנובמבר 2016

Treading on the Back of Sea: The Combat between the Storm-god and the Sea in Ancient Near Eastern Literature

 Noga Ayali-Darshan, Treading on the Back of Sea:  The Combat between the Storm-god and the Sea in Ancient Near Eastern 
Literature, The Bialik Institute, Jerusalem 2016
The Bialik Institute

Introduction: The Ancient Tale of the Storm-god’s Combat With the Sea 
The Findings, Aims and Methodology, The Texts 
Chapter 1: Traces of theTale in Egyptian Literature                                    
The Astarte Papyrus (pBN 202 + pAmherst ix) 
a. The Introduction (pBN 202, 1.1-1.2) ;  b. Doxology (pBN 202, 1.3-1.10+ pAmherst ix, 1,x1-1,x2) ;  c. Cosmogony (pAmherst ix, 1,x2-1,x7) ;  d. The God’s Struggle with the Sea  (pAmherst ix, 1, x8-19, y) ;  e. Discussion: Traces of the Tale in the Astarte Papyrus 
a. Hearst Medical Papyrus (11, 12-15) ;  b. Berlin Papyrus (3038 20, 9-21, 3) ;  c. Leiden Magical Papyrus (I 343 + I 345 4, 9-6, 2)  41;  d. Discussion: Traces of the Tale in Egyptian Incantations 
Hymnto Ramesses III  
Tale of the Two Brothers (pD'Orbiney) 
Summary: The Diffusion of the Tale in Egyptian Literature
Chapter 2: Traces of the Tale in Hurro-Hittite Literature
The Song of the Sea 
a. The Song of the Sea in the Mount Ḫazzi Festivities (CTH 785) ;  b. The Song of the Sea in Catalogues ;  c. The Hurrian Song of the Sea (KUB 45.63) ;  d. The Hittite Song of the Sea (CTH 346.9) 
The Pišaiša Myth (CTH 350.3) 
The Release of the Goddess from the Sea (CTH 350.1) 
The Song of Ḫedammu (CTH 348) and the Song of Ullikummi (CTH 345) 
a. The Birth of Kumarbi’s Sons and His Consultation of the Sea ;  b. Kumarbi’s Sons’ Fantastic Size Andgrowth ;  c. The Storm-god’s Discovery of His Adversaries in the sea ;  d. Anzili’s Seduction  79;  e. The Storm-god’s First Attempt at Defeating Ullikummi ;  f. Aštabi’s Efforts to Vanquish Ullikummi ;  g. Ea’s Coming to the Storm-god’s Aid ;  h. The Storm-god’s Second Attempt to Overcome Ullikummi  ;  i. Discussion: Traces of the Tale in the Song of Ḫedammu and Song of Ullikummi 
Summary: The Diffusion of the Tale in Hurro-Hittite Literature 
Appendix: The Illuyanka Myth 
Chapter 3: Traces of the Tale in Ugaritic Literature                              
Baal’s Struggle Against the Sea in the Baal Cycle 
a. El Enthrones the Sea and Banishes Baal ;  b. Kṯr-wḫss is Invited to Erect the Sea’s Palace ;  c. ʿṯtr Asks to be Enthroned ;  d. The Sea Demands that the Gods Deliver Baal to Him ;  e. Baal Defeats the Sea and is Enthroned ;  f. Baal Constructs His Palace on Mount Zaphon ; g. Discussion: Traces of the Tale in the Baal Cycle 
Baal and Anat’s Fight Against the Sea Creatures 
a. Baal’ Battle Against Lṯn ;  b. Anat’s Struggle Against the Sea, Tnn, and Lṯn 
Chapter 4: Traces of the Tale in Babylonian Literature Marduk’s Combat with the Sea in the Enūmaeliš                                                                                          
The Theogony
The  Battle
a. Marduk’s Birth ;  b. The Confrontation Commences ;  c. Tiamat’s Army ;  d. Qingu’s Enthronement ;  e. The God’s Reaction ; f. Marduk is Equipped ;  g. Marduk's Words to Tiamat ;  h. The Conflict ;  i. The outcome ;  j. Discussion: The Marduk and Tiamat Battle Traditions  
The Cosmogony 
Marduk’s Enthronement  
The Erection of His Palace in Babylon 
The Dedication Banquet and Marduk’s Fifty Names  
“You Shall Tell Your Sons” 
Summary: The Diffusion of the Tale in Mesopotamian Literature 
Appendix: The Labbu Myth 
Chapter 5: Traces of the Tale in Biblical Literature                            
YHWH’s Conflict With the Sea 
a. Habakkuk 3  ;  b. Psalms 18 // 2 Samuel 22  ;  c. Job 41  
The Sea’s Banishment and the Cosmogony  216
a. Psalms 104  ;  b. Proverbs 8  ;  c. Psalms 33  ;  d. Job 38  ;  e. Jeremiah 5  ; f. Isaiah 17  ;  g. Genesis 1 ;  h. Psalms 148  
The Merging of the Battle and Cosmogony Motifs 
a. Job 26  ;  b. Psalms 89  ;  c. Psalms 74  ;  d. The Battle and Cosmogony Motifs in the Exodus Accounts 
The Creation of Mount Zaphon and the Building of YHWH’s Palace 
YHWH’s Enthronement  
a. Psalms 93  ;  b. Psalms 29  ;  c. Psalms 24  
Summary: Traces of the Tale in Biblical Literature 
Appendix: Alternative Traditions of the Sea Creatures as YHWH’s Servants 
1. Tanin’s Submission    
2. Leviathan’s Ensnaring and Enslavement 
3. The Sea-dragon Coming to YHWH’s Aid 
4. The Sea Giving Assistance to YHWH 
Chapter 6: Traces of the Tale in Inner-Syrian Texts                                  
The Letter From the Mari Envoy at Aleppo (A.1968)   
The Sea and Astarte in Emar 
Chapter 7: Transformations of the Tale of the Storm-god’s 
 Combat with the Sea                                                                            
The Narrative Thread of the Tale in Ancient Near Eastern Literature 
a. Inner-Syria ;  b. Egypt ;  c. Hatti ;  d. Ugarit ;  e. Babylon ;  f. Israel 
The Principal Motifs of the Narrative Thread 
a. The Catalyst for the Battle ;  b. The Aid Given by the Goddess ;  c. The Failed Substitute God ;  d. The Wisdom-god‘s Assistance ;  e. The Sea’s Nature ;  f. The Storm-god’s Weaponry ;  g. Creation From Elements of the Sea ;  h. The Storm-god’s Enthronement ;  i. The Building of the Storm-god's Palace 
The Development of the Narrative Thread 

תגובה 1:

  1. ללאה מזור: מה שאותי מעניין: המים נחשבו בתרבויות הקדומות כמייצגים את המהות הנשית. האם אל הסערה הוא המצאה פטריארכלית? האם יש כאן אחד המאבקים של הפטריארכליות המומצאת,הנדחפת, הנאבקת בתרבות המטריארכלית?


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