ראיונות עם חוקרים ומורים

יום שלישי, 25 ביולי 2017

BEIT MIKRA Volume 62 (2017), No.1

 The Bialik Institute

BEIT MIKRA, JOURNAL FOR THE STUDY OF THE BIBLE AND ITS WORLD Volume 62 (2017), No.1, The Bialik Institute, Jerusalem 

Yaacov Azuelos: Angelology in Targum Jonathan to the Book of Judges
Amitai Baruchi-Unna and Mordechai Cogan: The Cylinder Inscription of Sargon II from Khorsabad. Re-examined in Light of a New Manuscript in the Israel Museum, Jerusalem 
Jonathan Jacobs: Why Was Rashbam’s Commentary NotWidely Disseminated? – A Re-examination 
Itzhak Amar: Saul and Josiah’s Deaths in Chronicles (1 Chr 10; 2 Chr 35:20-27)
Alexander Rofé: The Ashgarah in the Hebrew Bible and the Text of Joshua 23:16 
Nili Shupak: Moses’ Birth in the Light of Egyptian Mythology: A Re-examination
Book Review 
Lea Mazor: Bible, Literature and Education in the Book of Hananel Mack: In Her Heart
A Review Article of Hananel Mack, In Her Heart, Yediot Ahronot Press, Sifrai Hemed, Tel-Aviv 2014, 309 pages 

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