ראיונות עם חוקרים ומורים

יום שלישי, 11 בנובמבר 2014

Computer-assisted Tools for Textual Criticism. Appendix 1: Electronic editions on the Internet 2014

Prof. E. Tov, The Hebrew University

Appendix 1: Electronic editions on the Internet (2014)
All the freely available electronic editions on the Internet are inferior to the commercial computer programs. Usually the nature of the Scripture text is unclear, but most likely they use the text of the BHS or codex Leningrad. In some sites either the program or the Scripture text needs to be downloaded first. Some sites offer the Scripture text in Hebrew, Greek, Latin or Syriac, with others offer several versions at the same time. Thanks are due to Niek Arentsen for the spadework.
The following listing of websites is arranged around the availability of the search possibilities. The logic of the search possibilities, exemplified for Hebrew, works in the same way for the other languages.

1.1 No search possibilities (only the biblical text);
1.2 Searches of text words (search of ברא only yields ברא);
1.3 Searches of letter strings (search of ברא also yields יברא and בראשית);
1.4 Searches of dictionary forms (search of ברא yields all verbal forms).

No search engines are available on the Internet that search for morphological tagging.

1. Hebrew Text

1.1.  Text Only (no search possibilities)

Vocalized text.


Vocalized text in interlinear mode only (view by chapter).

Vocalized text.

BHS (also interlinear mode).

Consonantal text. 

Consonantal text. 

1.2. Searches of Text Words (search of ברא only yields ברא)

Program needs to be downloaded first (only consonantal text).

Vocalized text (chapter by chapter).
Searches only text words (http://biblehub.com/hebrew/).

BHS (only consonantal text).

Westminster Leningrad Codex.
Lists all vowel-and-accent combinations.
Search of word groups is not possible in Hebrew, as it is in the LXX.
Typing has to be done with help of the key-map provided.

1.3. Searches of Letter Strings (search of ברא also yields יברא and בראשית)

Westminster Leningrad Codex (text needs to be downloaded first).

Full text includes accents.
Search possibilities of:
Text words (search of ברא yields only ברא with all vowel combinations)
Letter strings (ברא also yields יברא and בראשית)
Exact vowel pattern or vowel strings.
Both vowels and consonants:
Exact pattern or consonant and vowel strings.

Vocalized text, searches (with control F):
Only letter strings (ברא does not yield בראשית because prepositions are marked with a slash: ב/ראשית). 
Only one Bible book at the time. 
Despite the fact that this website is linked to the Westminster Morphology project, searching the morphology in the database does not seem to be a possibility.

Vocalized text. Searches (click “חיפוש באתר” ) yield:
Text words (search of ברא yields ברא);
Pattern beginning with the consonants indicated (search of ברא yields also יברא and בראשית).

BHS text including Masoretic accents. Search based on letter strings (word needs to be cut and pasted, afterwards vowels can be deleted). Possibly other options are open when one signs up.

Text needs to be downloaded first. Unicode “Word” document (also CATSS available). Search on letter strings only (typing in Hebrew via control F).

Searches on exact consonantal pattern only (search on ברא yields ברא).

1.4. Searches of Dictionary Forms

Search possible on dictionary entries (ברא also finds יברא).

Full BHS text with Masoretic accents.
Click ESV in top bar – go to “ancient” and choose Leningrad or Aleppo. Search nouns or verbs by roots (no morphology). הלך finds all forms relating to this string, not ילך

2. LXX

2.1. Text Only (no search possibilities)

LXX in interlinear mode.

Apostolic Bible Polyglot (interlinear mode).

LXX without diacritical marks.

LXX without diacritical marks.

LXX with French interlinear text.

LXX-variants (partial).

Codex Vaticanus according to the Brooke-McLean edition.

2.2. Searches of Text Words 

LXX with or without accents.
Searches have to be exact – with or without accents.

LXX with or without accents.

Elpenor’s Bilingual Greek Old Testament Interlinear.

Searches “exact/inexact/fuzzy” match.

Rahlfs text (without diacritics and full morphological tagging).
Search possibilities:
1. All words or letter strings (ποιη).
2. Exact phrase (ποιη yields all occurrences with preceding and following letters).
3. Advanced-Regular Expression (for ποιη yields same results as in 2).

2.3. Searches of Letter Strings

Rahlfs text.
Searches letter strings only: that is, υδωρ and υδατος involve two different searches and ηκουσ yields ηκουσαν, ηκουσατε etc.

Codex Sinaiticus.

2.4. Searches of Dictionary Forms

Rahlfs text. Click ESV in top bar – go to “ancient” and choose LXX (Rahlfs + Göttingen) or “Orthodox.”

Text words.
Dictionary forms (provides morphological tagging that cannot be searched).

LXX and CATSS. Searches:
Text words.
The dictionary entry presents all inflections with their occurrences. Gives full parsing, but searching on morphological tags is not possible

3. Vulgate

3.1. Text Only

3.2. Searches of Text Words

Program needs to be downloaded first 

Clementine edition.

3.3. Searches of Letter Strings

Weber text edition.

4. Peshitta 

4.1. Text Only 

PDF-file (Urmia edition of 1852).

Leiden critical edition.
Via “Targumic Studies Module” – “Display all…” – denote “also display Peshitta.” Only one verse is presented at a time.

Provides a list of websites containing the Syriac Bible.

4.2. Searches of Letter Strings

PDF-files. Searches on single Bible books.

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