ראיונות עם חוקרים ומורים

יום רביעי, 28 בינואר 2015

Between R. Isaiah di Trani and the Byzantine Ancient Exegetes: Abstract

Between R. Isaiah di Trani and the Byzantine Ancient Exegetes, Beit Mikra vol.59 (2014), no. 2
The Bialik Institute - Publications

Gershon Brin

The article deals with R. Isaiah’s exegetical methods.
R. Isaiah lived in Southern Italy during the 12-13 centuries. He studied in Italy and from time to time he left Italy and studied in Ashkenaz. 
He mentioned Rashi many times in his writings and called him “The Teacher”,   which shows that he was influenced by him.
R. Isaiah’s main source of learning was the writings of the ancient Byzantine exegetes from the tenth and eleventh centuries. In addition to this he included in his writings the teaching of the great exegetes from France and from other European countries. 
When discussing R. Isaiah’s exegesis to some scriptures we find these double sources of influence.
In the article I include his rules of exegesis, a sign that is typical of the Byzantine exegesis. In his rules we find the phrases והרבה תמצא and  דרך המקרא.

אין תגובות:

הוסף רשומת תגובה

תגובתך תפורסם אחרי אישורה. סבלנות, ותודה על התגובה.