ראיונות עם חוקרים ומורים

יום רביעי, 28 בינואר 2015

"Pri etz hadar" – Fruit of the "Tree of Life": Abstract

"Pri  etz hadar" – Fruit of the "Tree of Life", Beit Mikra vol.59 (2014), no. 2
The Bialik Institute - Publications

  Shemer Arieli

The exact etymological meaning of the biblical term "Hadar" ("("הדר in its full phrase "Pri etz hadar" (""פרי עץ הדר) (Lev 23:40) is an unanswered question. There is no direct evidence that points to the Citron's Jewish traditional view. Actually a doubt was raised over the first appearance of Citron in ancient Israel. Without being based on circumstantial facts, today it can only be argued that it appeared not before the Persian period (fifth to forth centuries). This present article argues that the term "dar" has an independent etymological value in Akkadian language means "everlasting" (as "tree of life"), and it plays a part in the holy "sacred tree" drama in ancient Israel as in Assyrian, there scholars recognized a fruit of a Cedar in an act of water libation on the decorated tree. This argument traces over those who indeed recognize the Cedar's fruit as "Hadar" and confirms their method, by providing an etymological explanation and unique meaning of the sacred drama within the ancient Israel religion between Yahweh and Asherah, his consort.        

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